Hope Franke Strauss: London


Gabriele (Heart & Soul) spends some time in London, as does Belle from Peace & Goodwill

It's not uncommon to see buskers in the tube.

The trains and the tube are a key means of transportation in London and area, and Belle often rides from London to Barking in one like this.

Ian takes Belle (Peace & Goodwill) on a date - a ride on the London Eye!

Belle's afraid of heights - good thing Ian is there to help her! :)

The Shakespearean Theatre.

A busker playing along the Thames, much like Anna at the end of Heart & Soul does.


Barking is a suburb of London on the east end - where the lower middle class and poorer folk (like Belle and Anna from Peace & Goodwill) tend to live.

Belle and Anna live in flats similar to these above commercial space. 

I love this church! It's what's left of an ancient abbey and graveyard. Both are settings of significant scenes in Peace & Goodwill.

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